Shennah lives with her husband Keith on a small property a little over an hour SE of Canberra within the Yanununbeyan National Park. They have five adult children who have been educated in several states and internationally due to Keith’s career in the RAAF. Their children’s education was completed by accessing a variety of educational options including public schools, private schools, home-schooling, distance education, boarding schools, universities as well as international education. They are now blessed with seven young grandchildren who are beginning their formal education years.
In 2010 Shennah joined the Monaro Branch. In 2013, Monaro Branch hosted the ICPA-NSW Conference, and she was elected the Conference Treasurer. Following this she fulfilled the role of branch treasurer for several years.
In 2019, she attended the ICPA-NSW Buronga State Conference and was elected the ICPA-NSW Treasurer, a position she filled until 2022.
Shennah is passionate that every student should have access to the education they require to fulfil their quest in becoming the person they want to be.