Federal Council
Federal Treasurer 27 July, 2001 – 5 August, 2010
Federal Assistant Secretary 11 August, 2006 – 1 August, 2008
ICPA Awards
11 August, 2011 Presented with ICPA (Aust) Certificate of Appreciation
There are people who assist ICPA in many ways, in various capacities and sometimes they even get a title to make all their work official! Sometimes though these same people go far beyond what the workload associated with their title entails and do the things they do, simply because it helps the organisation.
Margaret Duncombe was the ICPA Australia Federal Treasurer doing a couple of 4-year stints in that role as well as Assistant Secretary for a time in between. Margaret came onto Federal Council in 2001 and remained until she stepped down at conference in 2010.