Student Accommodation Portfolio Reports

After every ICPA (WA) State Conference, the carried motions from that Conference are actioned by State Council. These motions form the basis of Council’s advocacy with the State Government and relevant stakeholders.  

The Portfolio Reports outline the actions and developments of these motions within a portfolio and are updated annually and presented to delegates and guests at the relevant ICPA (WA) State Conference.

Click on reports to download.

2024 Student Accommodation Report

Presented by Kym Ross at the 2024 State Conference held in Perth on 15th March.

2023 Student Accommodation Report

Presented by Jane Hughes at the 2023 State Conference held in Perth on 17th March.

2022 Student Accommodation Report

Presented by Chandra Ridley at the 2022 State Conference held online on 18th March.

2021 Student Accommodation Report 

Presented by Chandra Ridley at the 2021 State Conference held in Perth on 19th March.

2020 Student Accommodation Report 

Presented by Kym Ross at the 2020 State Conference held in Perth on 13th March.

2019 Student Accommodation Report

Presented by Elize Scheepers at the 2019 State Conference held in Perth on 22nd March.

2018 Student Accommodation Report

Presented by Elize Scheepers at the 2018 State Conference held in Fremantle on 16th March.