Welcome to the Goldfields Eyre page.
At a General Meeting of the WA Kalgoorlie Air Branch held on 23rd September 2013 it was unanimously voted for a name change of the branch to Goldfields Eyre. The new name was used in correspondence immediately and was endorsed at the 2014 AGM held in February.
Previous History
Fourteen people attended the first meeting of Kalgoorlie Air Branch, held over the RFDS network on November 20th 1971.
Inaugural office bearers were Mr Eric Swann, President, and Mrs Miriam Hardie, Secretary. Membership fees were set at $2.
In 1981 our numbers were scattered over such a large area that it was decided to split into two branches – Nullabor and Eastern Goldfields, the latter retaining the name Kalgoorlie Air.
Meetings were held over the radio until the end of 1996, when it was decided to begin meeting face to face because some members no longer had children on School of the Air.
Today the Branch has 14 members spread within a 900 km radius of Kalgoorlie. Meetings are timed to coincide with school functions and pastoral industry events. Issues are Distance Education curriculum, quality and training of School of the Air teachers, Travel, and Boarding Schools/Hostels.