So, I'm a branch executive ... what do I do?
Branch President
Branch Secretary
Branch Treasurer
2024 ICPA WA Contact Details
Please have a look at these basic forms and change them to suit your branch needs.
- General Meeting Minutes Template
- Agenda Template
- Minutes Action Lists
- Correspondence Register
- Branch Executive Contact Form (fillable)
All forms are available in Word format by contacting the State Secretary: WASecretary@icpa.com.au
State Council Lobby Process
ICPA (WA) has a number of Portfolios including: Allowances, Communications, Distance Education SOTA & Curriculum, Early Childhood, Post Compulsory, Rural and Remote Schools, Special and Specific Needs Education, Student Accommodation, Teacher Training and Travel.
Each of these Portfolios has a policy which is formulated by the motions which are carried at conference.
At the State Council post-conference meetings State Councillors action motions that were carried at conference and update respective portfolio policies to reflect the motions. Council is then guided by this policy when lobbying the government on behalf of our members. ICPA State Council cannot act outside policy as this is against our constitution and would not be representing the majority of our members.
When considering motions for State Conference it is a good idea to read through the most recent policy document which your branch’s motion pertains to. It is also helpful to read the latest Portfolio Report (these are available of the website). These documents will give your branch information on where ICPA (WA) currently stands on a particular issue, which will then give you some direction for your motion.
The latest ICPA (WA) State Policy documents can be found of this website.
WA State Conference -- What to expect?
Branch Hints for Motions
Considering a Motion at State Conference?
What steps does your branch take?
Did you know that your motion will shape the relevant portfolio policy if it is accepted at conference? What is a supplementary motion? These Handy Hints for Motion Writing will provide plenty of reading for your branch and delegates as they prepare for State Conference motions.
Please click here for assistance in writing motions for State Conference.
WA Conference Procedure
Attending conference and you have a motion, what then? How do you move, second and give an explanation of your motion? What if I need a word change or an amendment? What is a floor motion? This Guide to Conference Procedure will assist you with your queries.
Motion Progress Flowchart
What happens to our branch motion after conference? This flow chart explains the progress for Council from State Conference through to delegations, face-to-face meeting and finally to the next State Conference where previous motions are reported on. Print one out to take to branch meetings for new members to see how their concerns are actioned.
WA State Council Rules of Debate.
ICPA WA is guided by the Renton Rules of Debate during all meetings of our Association. If you wish to find out more please read our Rules of Debate fact sheet.
Where can you find information from past conferences?
Click here for past conference minutes.