Australian Apprenticeships
This website provides quick, up to date and easy access to information regarding Australian Apprenticeships. It includes programs, support and advice for people looking to start apprenticeships and also support and assistance for apprentices during their apprenticeships or tel: Australian Apprenticeships Referral Line 13 38 73
Australian Apprenticeship Pathways
Australian Apprenticeship Pathways provides information, tools and resources covering a range of potential apprenticeship and traineeship career pathways.
Australian Apprenticeship Support Network
This website lists a state-by-state guide to some financial incentives and benefits for apprenticeships.
Job Outlook
is an interactive site which can help you make decisions about study and training, your first job, or the next step in your career.
My Future
is an easy-to-use interactive online service with career information, assisting people to make career decisions, plan career pathways and manage work transitions and includes up-to-date details of education and training providers, scholarships and courses Australia-wide
My Skills
This website provides a national directory of vocational education and training (VET) organisations, courses, campus facilities and services. It enables the student to search for and compare VET courses and training providers and courses by industry and skills in demand.
The Good Universities Guide
assist students and families to find courses at Australia’s universities, TAFEs and Training colleges.
Study Assist
Information for students about government assistance for financing tertiary study including links to study options, subsidised fees and government loans (HELP and VET Student Loans), loan repayments, scholarships and additional student income support options.
The section contains information on comparing courses and providers in both the higher education and vocational education and training (VET) sectors.
Digital resource aimed at year 10 to year 12 students that provides information on tertiary study options and government assistance.
Vocational Education and Training – Australian Government
This Government website contains information and links to websites relating to VET.
Your Career
The National Careers Institute’s (NCI) Your Career website supports and enhances access to career’s information including information on work and education options.
Supporting school leavers to figure out their next steps after school is the National Careers Institute’s (NCI) SLIK, or School Leavers Information Kit and its dedicated contact centre, the School Leavers Information Service.
The SLIK has been especially developed to help school leavers with their education, training and work options. It provides:
- information and support to help with decisions about post-school career pathways
- information on work and education options such as university, vocational education and training (including apprenticeships and traineeships), volunteering and community service
- tips and resources to help apply for jobs, and
- resources outlining government financial support and subsidies available.
The SLIK is supported by a the Parents and Guardian’s Guide for School Leavers to help start careers conversations at home.
School Leavers Information Service
The School Leavers Information Service (the Service) is a contact centre where school leavers aged 15 to 24 can ask education, training or work-related questions they may have. Trained NCI Information Officers are on the line ready to help people to:
- navigate the SLIK
- access and use the website
- find relevant support services, if needed.
School leavers can also access a free, 45 minute personalised careers guidance session with a qualified career practitioner, where needed.
There are three ways young people can get in touch with the Service:
- Call: 1800 CAREER (1800 227 337)
- Text: SLIS2021 to 0429 009 435
- Email:
If you know a young person who would benefit from the SLIK and the Service, link them to this video which provides a quick explanation.
For more information, including some great articles about different industries school leavers may like to consider, visit