NT Financial Assistance

Here you will find documents and links about each Grant, when they are available, eligibility as an ICPA NT member and application requirements.




AHVISE is an educational organisation that offers support to Australian farming families. All AHVISE tutors and 'angels' give their time FREE. There is no set time on how long a tutor can takes a placement with a family - six weeks is the recommended amount of time, however this is flexible and gauged case by case. If there are enough tutors available there is no reason why a family cannot get a second tutor in one year. AHVISE operates wherever there is help needed, meaning any State or Territory, if there is a child or family who need help with their educational needs, AHVISE will do their best to help out. 



State Council

Have you thought about joining State Council? Would you like to become more involved and help to advocate for equity in education for isolated students all around the Northern Territory?