Territory Wide

Sunset over the floodplains of Ubirr, Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia

On the 30th March 2021, the members of the NT Lone Branch voted to change the name of the branch to Territory Wide, to better reflect the members of the branch and to be more inclusive for members across the Northern Territory who may be part of small rural schools, senior distance education schools, and those receiving a tertiary education.

The NT Lone Members are a group of people who wish to be informed on ICPA issues but do not wish to belong to a 'branch' as such. People who live anywhere can be an NT Lone Member. The Lone Members do not hold meetings, but they do hold 2 votes at State and Federal Conferences.

State Council covers Lone Member delegates costs, to conferences - travel, accommodation, and registration, but it must be approved by council beforehand.

If you would like to join the Lone Members and receive regular publications from the State Council - "Down the Track" (3 times a year), and Federal Council "Pedals" (4 times a year), then please contact Moira Lanzarin.

Membership is $50 annually.

ICPA NT Magazine "Down the Track"

2025 Conference
News and Events



For the ICPA NT 40th Annual State Conference on the 9th of March 2022.

Members and supporters of ICPA NT over the past forty years are encouraged to please join us at this milestone conference.

Recognising 40 years advocating for equity of access to edution for all rural and remote Territory families, this will be an event not to be missed.

Keep an eye out for updates.

Email - stateconf@outlook.com

Facebook- ICPA NT 40th State Conference


Life in the Northern Territory