Federal Vice President Sally Sullivan and Federal Secretary Suzanne Wilson attended the South Australia ICPA State Conference on the 12 March in Port Augusta.
There were 14 agenda motions and one supplementary motion, all of which were carried except for one that was deemed covered by an earlier motion. Motions came from the Early Childhood Education and Care, which centred on early identification and diagnosis of children’s developmental delays and what is or is not available in SA from Child and Family Health Services (CaFHS) and the Royal Flying Doctors, (RFDS). Distance Education motions (5) included the DETA (3), AIC being extended to 4-year-olds (1) and year 7 in SOTA (1). Border restrictions and the need for a nationally consistent and long-term approach to them for boarding students were the only Boarding Schools and Hostels motion. The Supplementary motion concerned students having access to permanent bus seats to attend the family’s school of choice rather than having to attend the school deemed nearest to them.
Read the full report here - SA State Conference 2021