Senate Standing Committee Inquiry Into Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport

Kim Hughes (Past ICPA Qld President); Wendy Hick (Past ICPA (Aust) President) and ICPA member Danielle Doyle were fortunate to be invited to speak at one of the panels on the Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport into the operation, regulation and funding of air route service delivery to rural, regional and remote communities
The Federal Government has released a number of Reviews and Reforms pertinent to the advocacy within the ICPA Federal Rural Schools / School Travel portfolio that members may find interesting.
Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training
This inquiry looked at the role of culture, family and community in delivering better education outcomes for students living in remote Australia and in complex environments. The Committee’s work took into consideration the initiatives in place to meet the unique learning needs of students in these areas and to address barriers that they may face when accessing education.
Report on Education in remote and complex environments
Independent Review into Regional, Rural and Remote Education
In 2017, the Australian Government commissioned an Independent Review into Regional, Rural and Remote Education (IRRRRE). The Review was part of the Australian Government's commitment to improve the education of country students so they can reach their full potential and participate in Australia's economy.
Independent Review into Regional, Rural and Remote Education
Senate Standing Committee Inquiry Into Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport into the operation, regulation and funding of air route service delivery to rural, regional and remote communities
An inquiry into the operation, regulation and funding of air route service delivery to rural, regional and remote communities.