Tertiary Education

"That ICPA (Aust) lobbies the Minister for Education to include ICPA Australia as a stakeholder when developing the Program Guidelines for the Commonwealth Prac Payment (CPP) to ensure the unique challenges of students from regional, remote and very remote Australia are considered and included as well as those students wishing to undertake placement in those parts of Australia.”


The CPP will be means-tested to target students who need it most. As students from regional, remote and very remote areas have been identified as an underrepresented group within higher education it would be beneficial for ICPA Australia’s input into accessibility to this payment for this group of students. Also, the additional costs for students associated with travelling to regional or remote parts of the country to undertake placement needs consideration during means-testing. We don’t want students choosing to not complete regional, rural and remote placements due not being eligible for CPP and experiencing placement poverty.