Tertiary Education

“That ICPA (Aust) advocates for the removal of the parental threshold from the independent Youth Allowance for students applying under rural and remote work criteria.”


parental home is in an inner regional, outer regional, remote or very remote area (ii) they need to move away from your parental home to study and (iii) they have worked since leaving secondary school. Students also need to have either: earned 75% or more of the National Training Wage Schedule rate in any 14-month period or worked at least 15 hours a week for at least 2 years. The current parental threshold is $160,000 reducing by $10,000 for other dependent siblings.

Parental income should not enter independent Youth Allowance criteria at all. Rural incomes are so fickle, even being given three financial years of parental income to choose from cannot always give these students a fair assessment of the ability of this family to support a tertiary or training student. These students clearly demonstrate independence through working for a least a year and leaving home to study. They take a gap year because they need to be financially independent but that can also place them at risk of being one of the statistics: students who take gap years are less likely to continue to further education. Any hurdles to these rural and remote students qualifying for independent Youth Allowance, such as Parental income thresholds, threatens their tertiary education.