Early Childhood Education and Care

“That ICPA (Aust) lobbies the relevant minister to establish funding to deliver Mobile Early Childhood Services to geographically isolated children, aged 0-5 years, who are currently without access to any such service because of where they live.”


Geographically isolated families that reside outside of the "remote community footprint" have been without access to any early learning childhood services prior to preschool for more than a decade as has many remote communities in our region. Early education is a vital tool in all children’s development, along with being a foundation for learning, it is how they build confidence, interact with others, and learn important social and emotional skills. It is also an opportunity for parents to come together, share stories and support one another.  

Case study:
As a mum of two geographically isolated children Kiya knows firsthand the importance of having these services available to all families, no matter where they choose to live. In Kiya’s circumstance her sense of what was ‘normal’ became misguided as they weren’t exposed to other children regularly. It wasn’t until their daughter was 6 months old that they noticed she had some challenges with her feet. Had they been able to interact with other children of a similar age they may have become aware she was behind in her development sooner and accessed early intervention treatment earlier.