Distance Education

“That ICPA (Aust) continues to advocate to the Federal Government to establish an allowance / subsidy for families in recognition of the cost families bear in providing the compulsory home tutor when educating students via distance education.”


Katherine Branch thanks ICPA (Aust) for your continuing pursuit of this motion. We acknowledge the move away from calling this a DETA. It is the intent of recognition and recompense that is important to our branch, not the name.  

For many students living in remote regions, their only access to schooling is to study by distance education. It is compulsory that distance education children be supervised by an adult - the distance education tutor, who must be available and able to provide the practical, day-to-day supervision and support required for the effective delivery of a distance education program. The cost of providing this supervision is a major burden to the family, whether they are paying someone or by the loss of income incurred when a parent (usually the mother) gives up paid employment to provide this supervision.  

There is no specific award which applies to this position thus a home tutor falls under the miscellaneous award which starts at a minimum $48,118 per year (excluding time required for preparation outside of school hours) plus the cost of providing full board and accommodation.