Boarding / Hostels / Second Home

“That ICPA (Aust) encourages the relevant government departments to continue and expand the Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program pilot.”


We would like to express our gratitude and thanks for the implementation of the Commonwealth Regional Scholarship Program that is a pilot program that commenced this year.

This scholarship has been greatly received by our members and will be an incredible help to assist the recipient families with boarding fees and all the associated costs.

We would like to advocate for this program to continue and be expanded by increasing the number of scholarships on offer, this will allow many more families the opportunity to stay in their rural or remote communities where suitable local alternatives don’t exist and send their children to a school that offers boarding.

We acknowledge that the number of scholarships were small being a pilot program, but there is a real need for such a scholarship, as demonstrated by the number of applicants deemed eligible but were unsuccessful. This need is even more prevalent in the more marginalised and disadvantaged rural and remote areas that have inequitable access to quality education.