The Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association of Australia had its beginning in the NSW outback town of Bourke, in April 1971. Families were struggling with drought and the consequences of such an event, and most importantly, the effects of the drought on the education of their children.
The late Mrs Pat Edgley, MBE, called a meeting to save the Bourke Hostel, which serviced families in the outlying district, from closure. Out of this grew an amazing organisation, with branches of ICPA springing up all over Australia, and eventually its national overarching body – ICPA (Aust) was formed. In its years as a volunteer organisation, ICPA has achieved much for geographically isolated families and children. ICPA will continue to strive for equity of access to an appropriate education for these children.
Federal Life Membership was awarded to the Late Mrs Pat Edgley, MBE on the 11th October, 1977