Early Childhood Education and Care (Three Day Guarantee) Bill 2025
ICPA (Aust) seeks a separate geographically isolated IHC Program to cater for geographically isolated families’ early childhood education and care (ECEC) needs as they are very unique and the FA Act lacks the required flexibility and specificity to allow families’ access to the CCS they are eligible for.
Early Childhood Education and Care (Three Day Guarantee) Bill 2025
Draft In Home Care National Guidelines
ICPA (Aust) seeks to separate the IHC Guidelines to suit the three cohorts that IHC attempts to cater for. Geographically isolated (GI) families’ early childhood education and care (ECEC) needs are so different to the other cohorts and while this document attempts to cover all three, it lacks the required flexibility and specificity to do that well for any of the cohorts.