2024 ICPA (Aust) Submissions

Strategic Review of the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System

ICPA (Aust) believes engaging in Australia’s workforce through Australian Apprenticeships should be an option for any young Australians who have the ability, ambition and motivation to succeed in these vocations, regardless of their socio-economic status or geographic location. However, for many students living in rural and remote areas, it is proving difficult to undertake apprenticeship and training opportunities.

Strategic Review of the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee Inquiry into The Shutdown of the 3G mobile network

As the changeover from 3G coverage to 4G eventuates, assurance is needed that the new coverage is equal to or better than the existing service – that is, anyone who can access 3G now should still be able to access a service after it is closed down. Until this can be guaranteed the 3G shutdown should not proceed.

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee Inquiry into The Shutdown of the 3G mobile network

Australian Government’s Review into the Better Delivery of Universal Services

Equitable educational opportunities in rural and remote locations hinge upon the availability of high quality, reliable, affordable and adequate telecommunications. The delivery of voice and voice over internet services need to be in two different forms, independent of each other, especially for those without a mobile service. Depending only on satellite service, no matter the type, is not good enough and the need for systems that do not require or have their own back up, reliable power supply is essential.

Australian Government’s Review into the Better Delivery of Universal Services

National Skills Passport

A Joint Submission between the National Rural Women’s Coalition and the Isolated Children’s Parents Association of Australia.
A National Skills Passport has the potential to be a practical solution that helps individuals who choose to participate to take the next step in their education or career. They could view, share, and assess their skills and qualifications across Vocational Education and Training (VET) and higher education through a trusted and integrated digital system, validated from trusted sources.

National Skills Passport