These formal submissions have been compiled by ICPA (Aust) on behalf of rural and remote students and their educational needs.

Submission to the Review of the Farm Household Allowance Nov 2018

Since the early onset of the current severe drought affecting Australia, ICPA (Aust) has been requesting that assistance directed specifically towards ensuring education of rural students can continue unaffected by the impact of drought be added to the available Drought Packages.
ICPA (Aust) is grateful that the Farm Househould Allowance (FHA) exists for those who are eligible. We are aware that, if families choose, they can use it to contribute towards education expenses, however, there are a number if concerns regarding FHA.

Submission to the Review of the Farm Household Allowance Nov 2018

Submission into the accessibility and quality of Mental Health Services in Rural & Remote Australia May 2018

ICPA (Aust) considers rural and remote students including those in boarding facilities to be some of the most vulnerable to mental health issues for a multitude of reasons outlined in this submission. Additionally, trainees, apprentices and higher education students who have to relocate from home and family require strong support mechanisms to maintain their mental health. The attraction to and retention of sufficient mental health professionals to rural and remote areas is problematic, as for many professions.

Submission into the accessibility and quality of Mental Health Services in Rural & Remote Australia May 2018

Regional Satellite Television Service Review (VAST) June 2018

The Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association of Australia, ICPA (Aust), welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Review of the Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST) service identifying issues relating specifically to rural and remote students.

Regional Satellite Television Service Review (VAST) June 2018

IRRRE final report

In 2017, the Australian Government commissioned an Independent Review into Regional, Rural and Remote Education (IRRRRE). Emeritus Professor John Halsey from Flinders University conducted the review to examine the challenges faced by these students and find innovative solutions to help them succeed at school and beyond. 

Professor Halsey held consultations with education authorities, peak bodies, schools and communities, and received over 300 submissions from stakeholders.

The ICPA (Aust) submission can be found here

IRRRE final report

Submission to the Teacher Registration Review May 2018

ICPA (Aust) believes that teaching and therefore the process of teacher registration in a rural and remote setting brings with it a unique set of challenges. Please follow on to view our submission.

Submission to the Teacher Registration Review May 2018

Submission to Economics References Committee Inquiry into Regional Inequality in Australia April 2018

We cannot put a university in every regional town. We cannot put a high school in every corner of our nation. Therefore, we must have the policy settings right so that people get greater access to that ticket to their own future.”  Barnaby Joyce (2016)

ICPA (Aust)’s focus in the following submission will be on the indicators of, and impact of, regional inequality in Australia, with particular reference to government policies and programs in the area of Education.

Submission to Economics References Committee Inquiry into Regional Inequality in Australia April 2018

Regional Study Hubs Submission March 2018

ICPA (Aust) welcomes the announcement of the implementation of up to eight Regional Study Hubs that will provide greater access to study support and infrastructure to higher education for regional, rural and remote Australia and address the lower participation rates of rural and remote students in higher education.

ICPA (Aust) looks forward to the establishment of the Regional Study Hubs and the benefits they will provide for those rural and remote students who choose to utilise the study hubs for their higher education pathway. They will enable rural students, wherever their family home, the ability to access an appropriate tertiary course via the delivery mode of their choice.

Regional Study Hubs Submission March 2018

SES Score Methodology Submission Feb 2018

The Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association of Australia, ICPA (Aust), is pleased to provide comments that address the Terms of Reference for the Review of the socio-economic status (SES) score methodology and appreciates the opportunity to contribute to this important area of decision making.

SES Score Methodology Submission Feb 2018

STEM Partnerships Forum Submission Feb 2018

ICPA (Aust) has lodged a Submission to the STEM Partnerships Forum into the Optimising STEM Industry-School Partnerships: Inspiring Australia’s Next Generation where issues were identified regarding rural and remote students in relation to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics .

STEM Partnerships Forum Submission Feb 2018

Regional Air Fare Inquiry Submission Feb 2018

The Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association of Australia, ICPA (Aust), welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the discussion on the operation, regulation and funding of air route service delivery to rural, regional and remote communities.  This important submission drew on the information gained from the ICPA Boarding School Survey and case studies lodged by our members.

Regional Air Fare Inquiry Submission Feb 2018

IHC Draft Guidelines Feedback Jan 2018

ICPA Australia is pleased to provide feedback to the National In Home Care Draft Guidelines.  These include recommendations for Child Care Subsidy (CCS), Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS), principles, objectives and elements of In Home Care plus much more.  Nine pages of a very comprehensive and important document.

IHC Draft Guidelines Feedback Jan 2018