ICPA WA State Council adopted the following guidelines. To be read in conjunction with relevant State By-Laws.
1. Eligibility
(a) People from organisations aside from ICPA, will be eligible for Certificates of Appreciation for outstanding service to our organisation.
(b) Certificates of Merit or Life Membership can be awarded to current or past ICPA members. These will be for service to the organization, possibly but not necessarily, in a particular area e.g. Distance Education, Special Education etc.
(c) No current member of the State Council of ICPA WA or Member of Parliament shall be eligible to be nominated for any award.
2. Nomination
(a) The State Council, Branch or individual members may nominate a member for the Certificates of Appreciation, Merit and Life Membership.
(b) The nominations for Merit and Life Membership must be supported by a written history of the nominee.
(c) The nominations for Merit and Life Membership must be in the hands of the State secretary at least 3 months prior to State Conference.
(d) Members of the State Council to make a decision on proposed nominations at least one month prior to the conference presentation. State Council to decide on the award level to be presented.
(e) There shall be no limit to the number of times a member may be nominated.
3. Voting
(a) Voting will be by secret ballot of the State Council. Postal / electronic voting can be used.
(b) Voting for the Certificate of Appreciation shall be by consensus of the State Council.
(c) Voting for the Merit award shall be decided by an eighty percent majority of the current serving members of the State Council. Voting for the Life Membership award shall be an eighty percent majority of the current serving members of the State Council.
(d) All ballot papers shall be destroyed following voting.
(e) The award shall be in the form of a certificate for Appreciation and Merit awards and a badge and a certificate for Life Membership. They may be presented at any function of the Association.
(f) The State Secretary shall keep a register of all ICPA WA award recipients.