Submission to the 2021 Regional Telecommunications Review
The Regional Telecommunications Review is an opportunity for people living and working in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia to share their views and experiences using telecommunications services in their area. The Review examines the adequacy of telecommunications services in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Submission to the Regional Telecommunications Review Committee
Submission to the 2021 Student Transport Assistance Policy Framework
The Public Accounts Committee (Committee) is inquiring into the current Student Transport Assistance Policy (STAP) framework.
The STAP framework applies to Western Australian State Government transport assistance made available to students:
- living in rural areas who attend mainstream government and non-government schools; and
- with special needs who attend education support schools and centres provided by government and non-government agencies.
The Committee will report to the House by 31 August 2022.
Submission to the Student Transport Assistance Policy Framework