Glennis Crawford

Glennis Crawford
State Life Member
Branch Life Member

PEDALS July 2006, page 23

A highlight of the 2006 South Australian State Conference in March was the presentation of Life Membership of South Australia ICPA State Council to Glennis Crawford by State President Brian Rowe.

Glennis and her late husband Robert joined the North East Branch (SA) of lCPA in the early 1980's. Glennis educated their three sons - Ben, Angus and Henry at home whilst helping Robert run the station. Following Robert's tragic death, Glennis stayed on.

Many would have packed up and left - but Glennis not just managed, but the huge success she made of this is a tribute to her tenacity, dedication and sheer willingness to get on with the job at hand, no matter what the obstacles may be, and this concept has had a big bearing on her involvement with ICPA.

Brian Rowe stated "Glennis joined South Australia State Council in 1987 as an enthusiastic young North East branch representative and, on the basis that you just cannot hold a good woman back, it wasn't long before she took on an Executive role, and she has served State Council over the years as Publicity Officer, Newsletter Editor, Vice President and President, finally retiring from State Council in 2004, and our meetings have been considerably quieter and less exciting since!

Glennis is a firm believer in putting your money where your mouth is, and she demonstrated this by taking on numerous portfolios and a plethora of committees over the years.

Glennis took her ICPA career to another level in 2001 when she joined Federal Council, becoming the Federal Secretary in 2004."

Brian spoke of Glennis' presence at meetings, including the clear and distinct call of "Glennis Crawford - North East branch", often accompanied by a frantically waving hand, - having the capacity to strike trepidation into the hearts of many a chairperson, and woe betide if it is ignored!

"Glennis' dedication to ICPA and to the education of our rural and remote young people has been recognised in the past with awards from the Yunta community in 1994, another from Graham Gunn MP, a South Australia State Council Certificate of Appreciation and of course Life Membership of her own North East branch.

The State Life Membership builds on that recognition. Her ongoing dedication, enthusiasm, knowledge and accumulated wisdom have been, and continue to be, a source of ongoing inspiration to us all," said Brian.

Members of the North East branch congratulate Glennis and are very proud to call her 'their own'!