Register for the Conference

  • Current Details
  • Conference
  • Dinners
  • Extras
  • Summary
Membership status

Are you a member of ICPA?

Will you be attending the conference as an individual, or a representative of a school or business?

If you need to change your email address, please update your account and then return to this registration form.

Mobile phone number

We will be sending important updates during the conference using SMS.
If you would like to receive these messages, please tell us your mobile phone number.

Please use the international prefix "+61" instead of the leading "0" in your mobile number.

Your membership details

Which branch are you a member of?

Please start typing to search for your branch name.

Life member

Are you a Federal Life Member?

Are you a Federal Councillor?

Are you attending as a State Councillor?

State Council
Which state council are you with?

Additional person

As you are a member, one other person in your household (e.g. your partner) has reciprocal rights with your membership. They are invited to attend the conference or join in the events during the conference.

Additional person

As our guest, you are invited to bring another person (e.g. a friend or partner) and they are welcome to attend special events while you're at the conference.

Additional person

Will you be bringing an additional person with you?