For Conference queries and questions please contact the Conference Convenor. Registration queries and questions to the Registration Convenor.
The 2024 Annual Federal Conference will take place at the Doltone House Ballroom, 181 Elizabeth St, Hyde Park, commencing at 9:00am Wednesday 24th July.
Conference Cost:
ICPA Member - $105 per day
ICPA Non-member - $230 per day
We have invited guest speakers to our conference, who will be presenting their valuable insights on a range of topics that are relevant to our members.
Find out more about our guest speakers
Registration Check-in:
Registrations will be held in conjunction with our pre-conference function and will be located at Doltone House, Hyde Park, from approximately 5pm Tuesday 23rd July 2024.
Conference bags will be prepared and distributed at this function.
Please scroll down to view all the items that are planned including the social events.

Federal Council will host the Conference Procedures Workshop on the evening of Tuesday 23 July from 5:00pm to 5:45pm at the Conference venue, Doltone House, Hyde Park. It is open to all delegates and observers attending the conference. The Workshop will cover conference and motion procedures to ensure everyone is all set for Day 1 of conference.
Cost: Free
There are three social functions being held during the conference. You are invited to bring your partner to any of the evening events too.

Pre-Conference Welcome event sponsored by NBN Co will be held at the very glamourous Doltone House in the iconic area of Hyde Park and within a stone throw from Pitt St Shopping.
Doltone House is well known for its spectacular bespoke interiors and second to none catering. Conference goers will be surrounded by beauty, including the beautiful Hyde Park, Museum of Sydney and many other tourist hotspots within walking distance of our venue.
Cost: $70 per person

ICPA Australia Conference Dinner sponsored by Telstra will be a prestigious event held at the NSW Parliament House in the Strangers Room. You can’t help but to wonder about the conversations our government leaders may have had in this room! A beautiful building to admire and full garden views from the restaurant, you will forget you are in the middle of busy Sydney. Who knows who we might see in the corridors!!!
Parliament House has a long history of playing host to a high calibre of esteemed guest, including Heads of State, World Leaders, Consul Generals, Ambassadors, Hollywood stars and British Royalty.
Strangers Room catering is world class and we look forward to see what they prepare for us!
The theme for our conference dinner is ‘Glitz, Glamour & Sequins’
We would love to see everyone in their sparkle outfits, whether it be sequins, shiny, beaded, glitter anything that makes us shine!
Cost: $90 per person

Post Conference Function sponsored by AACo will be held at the Glenmore Hotel, a more casual feel than our conference dinner, but wow, the views make up for the relaxed feeling. –
Located in the very trendy ‘The Rocks’ in the Glenmore Rooftop space with views to the harbour bridge and has been described as ‘old world charm meets the buzz of modern Sydney’
A fantastic space to wind down after a insightful conference, debrief and catch up with ICPA members and stakeholders with the ambiance of the Sydney sunset.
Cost: $45 per person